So a while back I did a review on Mega Man Unlimited (MMU), a fan game created by the likes of MegaPhilX. I stated that it was very solid, with all the features that make up a Mega Man game. With nine Robot Masters, solid music, and perfect controls, I rated MMU fairly high. However, a new update has come out. Does it hinder the game, or improve it? Let’s take a look at MMU version 1.2.1.
This new update adds a few things.
-Endless Attack mode
-Endless Boss Attack mode
-A new Robot Master, Whirlpool Man
-The Charge Shot
Endless Attack is a mode in which you try make it as far as you can in a infinite stage with just 1 life. All the screens are picked from as set from over 50. Endless Boss Attack is a mode where you fight all the bosses in an endless loop. Whirlpool man is special in the fact that he is NOT select-able on the stage select and must be picked from the special option in the menu alongside Endless Attack and Endless Boss Attack. The Charge Shot is the very same one from Mega Man 4 – Mega Man & Bass, but it feels more like Mega Man 6’s Mega Buster due to its size. The Charge Shot helps immensely. Smaller enemies are now mincemeat when hit with a fully charged blast, bosses no longer take as long, it just helps overall. This update also reverts Wily stage 1’s music to it’s original form.
This update has very few issues, but I have run into more than I did before the update. Sometimes my Buster stops working all together for a few seconds. I know it’s not my keyboard because I can charge up my shot but nothing comes out. In Wily Stage 2 I got stuck in a wall with Beat after being carried up from a pit by him. I ran into an issue in the same stage where I got stuck inside a spike! But this has happened before the update. I feel a simple patch will fix the issue.
Overall, this update is solid. It doesn’t fix what’s not broken and only improves on the game, minus the bugs I mentioned earlier. The Charge Shot should help anyone who couldn’t beat the game before and the extra modes add more replay-ability to the game.
If anyone is curious about a boss order, I recommend Nail Man first. The weaknesses?
Nail Man > Tank Man > Comet Woman > Jet Man > Yo-Yo Man > Glue Man (arguably the hardest) > Rainbow Man > Trinitro Man.